Apex legends are being hacked by some hackers as first reported by Apex Legends News on Twitter. Earlier it was only limited to PC only. The players who were hacked were not able to queue for any other game mode. The hackers took over the playlist of Apex Legends displaying the message “Saving Titanfall”.

As time went by all the players of Xbox, PS and PC were able to see the message. At this point, hackers are rampaging the Apex legends with the message “Saving Titanfall”.

The main motto of this hack is to save Titanfall as the game is not playable for now three years. After repeatedly asking Respawn for updates to fix the game, no updates were provided by the Respawn. As the game is not playable but still the game is being sold which is just like a cherry on the top of everything.

Later creators of Save Titanfall made a statement that they are officially not associated with the hack of Apex Legends but they think it can be someone from their community. Apex Legends then provided a solution for the players so they will be able to find matches. They took to Twitter and mentioned that restarting the game or switching the server can help the players to find matches.

After all the fuss being created Respwan finally published a server updated targeting to solving the matchmaking problem. The update published by Respawn fixed the matchmaking problem and now players can resume playing the game.

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