Krafton has officially launched Battleground Mobile India for all android users. After reaching 40 Million pre-registration which went live on Google Play on 18th May 2021, and again went live on 17th June 2021 with the release of early access for the beta tester which showed 20 Million downloads, now finally Krafton has come forward with the official Launch of Battlegrounds Mobile India, the full version game on 2nd July 2021 which is now available on Google Play.
Official Launch Rewards:-
- A Supply carte coupon as a sign-up reward.
- A Supply carte coupon upon reaching 1 Million download, extended till 19th August.
- A Classic carte coupon upon reaching 5 Million download, extended till 19th August.
- A Constable set (permanent set) upon reaching 10 Million download, extended till August 19th.
On one side as the release of the full version of BGMI is great news for android users but at the same time, it’s a disappointment for the IOS users as unfortunately there has been no update provided by Krafton but it’s still expected to make it to iPhone soon.
Authors point of view on the Launch of Battlegrounds Mobile India
I personally am very much excited about the Launch of Battlegrounds Mobile India which is going live today. We have waited for a very long time for this glorious day to arrive. We know we have many other variations of PUBG that we play but getting our own variant is just another level of pride. BGMI is exclusively made for Indian fans and in the future, we may get our own a whole new line of tournaments and challenges.